So it totally dawned on my last night....

That I am going to have another baby. LOL. Yeah I am a little slow in the brain lately.

But OMG I am going to have another baby and where am I going to put it. LOL. maybe I can empty or half empty a laundry basket of fabric and place it in there, but then who is to say that when I want some fabric out of that basket I dont forget baby is in there and dump it out on the floor.

Hubby made a good point last night that when the baby is born, Davin will be in kindergarten so I will have a few hours a day to be just me and baby but I am scared already, I assume it is the pre-baby jitters. I got them all the time when I was carrying Davin, I always dreamed and was terrified that I would go to the store or something and forget him there.

But now that I am finally gotten into the grove of my little business, I am really terrified that either my business with get neglected or my children. I am scared that Davin will hate the new baby because it gets more mom time then him, I really dont know how I will manage all of this. Again it is more than likely just pre-baby jitters but still, I worry.

I try to talk to hubby about these things but he is one of those "dont worry about it till it is here" people.

Or he tells me it is all in my head, which more than likely it is but still.

Alright I think my little rant is over and I dont feel better but it is off my chest now. LOL.

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1000 markets interview 3-18-09

This is the interview I did of our beloved market manager of Child's Play market on

John is a great friend and market manager and he can be funny at times, here he is.

When did you first start your craft, and what made you want to try?

I took my first shop class in 1987. It was a combination, half metal shop and half wood shop. I really fell in love working with the wood, though. I still remember the first project I made was a Mahogany initial on an Oak plaque for my mother. The contrast of the two woods was intriguing, and I’ve loved wood working ever since.

What do you love the most about the items you make?
I love that kids can have fun playing with the toys I make. I see my daughter's face light up when I make something for her, and seeing her happy never gets old. I also like that I can give parents a toy that they can be absolutely sure is perfectly safe for their kids to play with.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was accepted into The College of New Jersey (Then Trenton State College) under their Technology Education department to become a shop teacher. Name the process, I learned it. Metal foundry, sheet metal fabrication, plastic injection, plastic vacuum forming, spot welding, arc welding- it was REALLY a lot of fun. But after my Freshman year, I learned two things about myself: First was that woodworking was Still my favorite, and also that it takes a very special person to be a teacher. I didn’t feel at the time that I had that special something, so I switched to Political Science and finished out my BA, just 2 classes shy of being able to declare a Law & Justice minor.

My wife and I met in ‘The History & Philosophy of Corrections’ class and we’ve been married for 11 years this coming June. We have 2 wonderful kids, a 4 year old girl and a boy who just turned 1 last week :)

How about your favorite color?

Without a doubt, blue. Specifically an icy cool blue.

What is something you really want to try making?

I have a dump truck I’ve been working on the plans for that I’m looking forward to making. I also really want to make a toy train. The problem with the train is I have about a half dozen different ways I’d build it, so the dump truck will probably come first unless I can make up my mind on the train.

Are there any other craft fields you dabble in?

Not really. I’d love to be able to but I just don’t seem to have the talent for any other craft. The toys are different. They just seem to come naturally.

What brought you to 1000Markets?

Some of the EtsyNJ team members had mentioned it and I took a look. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but with no fee’s unless you make a sale I figured I had nothing to lose. I’m really glad I did- I love the look and feel of the site here so much!

If you could give 1 piece of advice to somebody just starting in your field, what would it be?

Experiment and be creative! Don’t stop pushing yourself to the limits of what you can do.

You can find more samples of my work on Flickr:

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Starting to feel human again

So I am finally feeling human again, YAY.

Not getting as sick as I was, I dont know if baby has decided it likes food now or if it just gave up the fight. LOL.

We are trying to get Davin to go back to sleeping in his own bed. I had him where he would start the night off there, and of course some time between 12 and 2 he would come and climb in my bed but at least we had part of the night to spread and sleep comfortably. LOL.

Well my dearest hubby ruined that back in January, Davin and I got a respiratory infection and well he told him since he was sick he could come to my bed so he would be comforted. Yeah now when we tell him to go to his bed, he starts with this truly fake cough and says "but I cant I sick."

Ughh, hubby.

Anyways, so we are trying to get him back in his bed, so when I get huge, there is room for my belly and my poor four year old doesnt get thrown from the bed. LOL.

Ohh and still waiting on my hubby to get a job, I think he likes being home driving me nuts. LOL. Today he is supposed to go fishing with Davin so hopefully I can get some quiet while they are out, unless they determine I must go with them.

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I am pregnant!!!!

So we recently found out I am pregnant. YAY!!!!!!

We are definately excited about this now. LOL. At first we were NOOOOOOOOOO, but that is because we just got rid of all our baby stuff from when Davin was a baby, literally like 2 months ago. Well we had a bit of a scare last night.

Davin was playing in the room with us and I was laying on the bed. He accidentally tripped and stepped on my belly. I had some cramping but it wasnt too bad, just was soo tired I guess. This morning I get up and realize I had some spotting.

Well it is gone now, and we talked to Davin about being more careful, of course as a four year old little boy he didnt really understand told me I was being crazy that his brother and sister were fine. Ohh by the way he has it in his head that I am having twins. LOL.

Going Tuesday to get on medicaid since hubby lost his job and we will start doctor visits shortly after that. So YAY!!!!! We get to have all the fun involved with having a baby. Getting new clothes, toys, furniture and getting prepped to not sleep at night. LOL. I just got past all that with Davin hehehehehe!!!

Ohh and lets not forget all the diaper changing and potty training, YUCK. Davin was easy took him only two weeks to potty train I am pretty sure this will not be as easy. Ohh well we will see. Maybe I am just getting a head of myself.

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Some shoot me know!!!!

OK, not literally.

I have been physically ill for the last 3 days. And it is starting to really annoy me. My hubby and MIL keep telling me I am preggers, my son informed me this morning I have a baby girl in my tummy. Not something I want to hear right now. Hubby still has no job. He has an interview for tomorrow and hopefully it will help carry us till his real job starts in April.

just frustrating. Maybe it is all from stress and they just arent helping, I know it is wishful thinking for MIL. Hubby too. He says he doesnt want more but when he gets around babies he just melts. And Davin loves them too. SO I am hopeing it is just that.

Alright. That is it.

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A-Z of Jonie

A - Age: 25
B - Bed size: Queen and its too small for me, Devaun (hubby) and Davin.
C - Chore you hate: laundry, I hate the fact that I wash it, fold and then it is dirty in a few days all over again!
D - Dad's Name: Ernest
E - Essential start your day item: Computer
F - Favorite food: Candy
G - Gold or Silver: Gold
H - Height: 5'6"
I - Instruments you play(ed): None
J - Job title: mom, wife, SAHM, seamstress.
K - Kid(s): Davin (4)
L - Living arrangements: we live in a single family home, with me, hubby, Davin, MIL and BIL
M - Mom's name: Bobbette
N - Nicknames: mama, Joan, Jo
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: none, besides Davins Birth
P - Pet Peeve: Pee on the floor
Q - Quotes you like: ""You are not bleeding so stop acting like your dying."
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: one brother and one sister
T - Time you wake up: 7ish- as soon as the sun comes in my window.
V - Vegetable you dislike: brussel sprouts
W - Ways you run late: Kids
X-rays you've had: one chest, to make sure I didnt have pnuemonia
Y - Yummy food you make: anything guyanese
Z - Zodiac: scorpio

This was totally fun and entertaining

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